Up to 200 times the 2015-20 baseline rate of sportsmen collapsing due to #VIHD (vaccine-induced inflammatory heart disease) and thrombosis/stroke.
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This is a 15 minute video of just some of the cases so far. Its not easy to watch but its what's happening out there. And Boris's insane ineffective booster push will only add to the toll.
And no, its not due to being out of practice/doing steroids etc, but co-infection will be a factor in some cases. The signal swamps any such noise, eg 3 young cyclists from the same club. Bad batch? Who knows. Either way there's some bad sh!t going down, even some of the newspapers and many professional sports commentators have picked up on it.
A pathologist recently gave expert opinion that everyone who receives mRNA jabs will be incurring some heart damage, perhaps minor and asymptomatic at first, perhaps cumulatively with each dose. No carefully designed follow up studies are taking place. You are the follow up study.
Lastly, these are the tip of the iceberg. What it can't show is the many everyday lives being affected and going unreported, its not just super fit athletes.