Apr 15Liked by DoorlessCarpšŸ­

I have been retired for two years, however, prior to that my expertise was in the treatment of headaches.

First - CGRP is related to calcitonin primarily in their names. Treating migraine with CGRP-inhibiting drugs, whether pill or monoclonal antibodies does not affect calcitonin levels.

Second - I put pretty much all my patients on magnesium. It was rare that magnesium alone was sufficient to suppress migraines, although it sometimes reduced frequency and severity.

Migraine is a complex disorder, and not everyone responds to simple things like magnesium or propranolol (which has a significant adverse effect profile for many people). I would not personally prescribe a drug with such outrageous costs unless it was literally the last option, and there are many others available. I recall that Merck had a CGRP small molecule pill, and never took it to market because of liver enzyme elevations. The anti-CGRP monoclonal antibodies are huge molecules, and are metabolized differently.

Capsaicin products have been tried; most patients don't tolerate them.


I know your preference is for natural treatments, but that is just not practical for the majority of migraineurs.

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I can help them with magnesium and vascular disease. Adequate magnesium can help reverse vascular plaques. Cholesterol seems to be more of a waxy spackle used by the body to try to control excess calcium in a way that contains its electrical activity. We need adequate protein to make mineral transport and adequate magnesium to keep calcium out of cells and to help the kidneys excrete excess.

"A self-reported dietary intake report from 2012 by Ozawa et al revealed the link between potassium, calcium, magnesium, and the risk of dementia. A long-term study, a statistically significant link between intake and reduced risk of dementia was found, especially with vascular dementia, but not with Alzheimerā€™s Disease." [...] "The mechanism through which the risk of VaD decreased with higher intakes of these minerals is unclear." https://agsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1532-5415.2012.04061.x

I updated one of my vascular calcification blogs https://open.substack.com/pub/denutrients/p/calcification-of-soft-tissue-hardening-organs-and-softening-bone?r=os7nw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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CGRP being inhibited by capsaicin means that adequate niacin would help migraine sufferers. The method of action is activation of TRPV1 channels. Acidity activating them can cause an increase in CRPP though - at a glance. https://search.brave.com/search?q=CGRP+niacin+TRPV+channel+pubmed&source=desktop

TRPV1 controls acid- and heat-induced calcitonin gene-related peptide release and sensitization by bradykinin in the isolated mouse trachea


Nicotinic acid is a common regulator of heat-sensing TRPV1-4 ion channels https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4894441/

Extracellular magnesium, if elevated will cause more CGRP production, which can help heal a bone fracture. Implant-derived magnesium induces local neuronal production of CGRP to improve bone-fracture healing in rats, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27571347/

CBD/(2AG) may also be involved in CGRP expression. TRPV2 is activated by cannabidiol and mediates CGRP release in cultured rat dorsal root ganglion neurons, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6670541/

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Apr 13Liked by DoorlessCarpšŸ­

Another great write-up. Sometimes CADTH can be quite good...other times they are very wishy washy.

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I am nowhere near done reading yet, Doorless Carp, but I wrote a _ini opus for you in return with what I did think about some of the links and _issing letter of the alphabet.


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Cyprinus carpio, part 3 another tour de force in the Mag-num Opus.

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Apr 13Liked by DoorlessCarpšŸ­

Well... I've sent this to my endocrinologist!!

She sees me for acromegaly, however I thought the sections on hypothyroid and peripheral neuropathy alone worth her time and attention!!

Another banner, carp!!

I do get particularly enthused when a simple, natural, adjustment to one's diet or lifestyle can be the salve of so much misery!!

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Apr 13Liked by DoorlessCarpšŸ­

Thank you. I need to present this all to my doc, who is about as good as they get.

I have a question for the science folks (I am a cellular-mag deficient 'client'). Hypomagnesemia is the word for low serum mag. What is the word...IS there a word?..for low cellular mag?

I need to make sure my understanding is as thorough as it can be.

Some of these studies make me wonder. "...obesity caused by high fat... diet..." I thought that one had been laid to rest.

I wonder about the aging/OA caused by mag deficiency. I had both hips replaced, due to OA, they tell me, at 45. I, now at 60, have no gray hair, and little in the way of wrinkles. As they were replacing my hips, the doctor noted that I had no sign of osteoporosis, despite very little physical activity (recall the 2 rotten hips), for the previous 1.5 years.

Anyway, I will be getting my rbc mag tested again soon. Always interesting

Am I just weird?

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73 minute read per SubstackšŸ¤” is that still a novelette? Or a novella? šŸ¤“šŸ˜

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