I have an additional thought - oxygen - hypoxia is a causal factor in the finger pain of LongCovid. I had to figure that one out for myself in 2020 when I went off my medical marijuana to travel. Suddenly finger tingling and then pain were problems. Low magnesium was part of it but I was making my genetic imbalance/lack of endocannabinoid issue worse by still using CBD drops without any THC. Something about that was making the problem even worse. I stopped the CBD drops and increased magnesium as my temporary while traveling solutions. The problem mostly went away when I got back to medical marijuana state. See this post for the references I found, if interested. Motion - 'jazz hands' was part of my therapy strategies to increase oxygen to the extremities and to try to not white-knuckle drive in bad traffic. I realized that was part of the issue - bruising like pain from my own tension, but made worse by multiple deficiencies. Methyl B12 was probably a need too. I do use it but tend to forget my supplements. https://open.substack.com/pub/denutrients/p/cannabinoids-blood-vessels-and-longcovid?r=os7nw&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Thank you Jennifer. A reminder that PN type disorders may have multiple contributory factors to address, the catch being that you don't know what these are!

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I spent time in my early blogging years looking into vasculitis and finger problems . Lack of oxygen seems to be a fairly consistent risk factor for finger symptoms.

I shared it elsewhere recently - the mammalian diving reflex protects circulation to the heart, brain and lungs at the expense of the extremities. This reflex kicks in in severe cold and some drowning victims survive a lengthy time under cold water. Likely is a factor in any degenerative condition - fingers and toes are expendable and don't get the better blood flow. *multi-factorial, but hypoxia seems to be a major factor in finger and toe breakdown.

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Wonderful write up. So much information here that I’d need a lifetime to have found most of it (for my father’s rapid onset cognitive problems and sometimes severe myoclonus that I believe may be vaccine related…). I am immensely grateful for your work and putting it all together in one piece. Thank you.

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Thank you, if any combination of these help him at all that would really make my year :)

I will keep this site updated too with new developments.

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I saw the hydroxychloroquine study only last week. Interesting stuff. Imagine having MS and being forced to take an investigational mRNA product which was never tested in MS sufferers, with unknown consequences, as opposed to be offered HCQ which is known to be one of the safest drugs on the planet.

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