Thank you for this exceptional article. There's a world to study in what you presented here. A damned shame the researchers did not separate jabbed vs unjabbed cohorts, though.

One phrase you wrote confused me: "electron microscopes became powerful enough to capture the glycocalyx in action"

Is there some new electron microscopy that can image living tissue "in action"? Or was that just an unfortunate choice of words?

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Electron microscopy captures formalin preserved slices:

Three-dimensional electron microscopy for endothelial glycocalyx observation using Alcian blue with silver enhancement


SDF optical microscopy for in vivo.

If you've got time to read through this

it also helps explain a contributory factor to many med reports...including deaths some time later, unfortunately:

The Role of the Glycocalyx in the Pathophysiology of Subarachnoid Hemorrhage-Induced Delayed Cerebral Ischemia (2021)

...Current in vivo techniques are mainly based on handheld videomicroscopy techniques, such as orthogonal polarization spectral (OPS) imaging and its successor, sidestream darkfield (SDF) imaging. In both techniques, light is emitted at a wavelength of 530nm, which is absorbed by (de-)oxyhemoglobin within erythrocytes (Nieuwdorp et al., 2008) that are observed as small discs flowing through the microcirculation.


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What kind of treatments, if any, did those long coviders receive?

That is the first and basal question to be inquired.

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They don't go into details, but they do say the degree of rarefication was much the same regardless of how much clinical intervention they needed & received.

Of course things would have been different if they had been administered the FLCCC type protocols, like zinc + IVM, HCQ & NAC etc

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"... but they do say the degree of rarefication was much the same regardless of how much clinical intervention they needed & received."

That claim cannot be true unless there is irrefutable evidence to support it. And there is none offered.

That is the problem: they "say".

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Source data available on request, but it won't be their med history or an anonymous survey of.

What we do know is that from July '21 most will have been exposed to transfected spike protein, possibly on multiple occasions: damaged glycocalyx, endothelium, microclots etc.

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Would you like the source data showing you owed me $10m?

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This is beyond helpful, it is revealing. Like most people I’ve been fascinated by long-Covid. Then I can across a study by Dr. Jackson Turner who found viral shedding 97 days after a positive test and long after remission. But how did the virus evade detection? Dr. Bruce Patterson provided the answer when he found it hiding inside monocytes and neutrophils which together with “profoundly diminished CD8 cells” explains a lot. The nail proteins on the virus act as a super-antigen that is carried around inside leukocytes which release fractilkine that disrupts the glycocalyx and allows the monocytes to stick to the blood vessels and disrupt NO. The Lymphopenia allows the neutrophil nets to build up and release elastin that causes the amyloidosis. And the monocytes carry that across the BBB causing brain fog and headaches. The gp120 proteins act as super-antigens in a chain reaction that results in mis-folded amyloids. Wow!

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Hi Geoffrey, thanks, that's a great summation. The list is very long. We've also been looking further into micro RNA involvement and more concerning is the signalling pathways for oncogenic switching by K-RAS.

Add in the kynurenine pathway & autoimmunity you have many potential disorders to diagnose and treat.

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assuming the green banded pieces of text are taken from the study, i wonder why the researchers decided to include the pro vaccine propaganda about the emergency in german hospital due to rising numbers.

it probably has to do with its funding and getting it published as it seems that no single study is being performed and/or published that does not have some sort of knee jerk towards the big pharma backed "truth".

how about the researchers do the exact same study with people that never were infected with covid19 but were injected with the "vaccine"?

by way of retribution for having sold out to big pharma maybe?

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Hi Jan, I added that for context. They made no reference or they wouldn't get funding or published, but it's important as cases spiked both during and after the rollout. I will make this clearer.

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you see, there are some that actually read your writings...

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