Jun 5·edited Jun 5Pinned

Hat tip to Genervter: "Pancreatic vaccines with amazing results".

Investigational mRNA Vaccine Induced Persistent Immune Response in Phase 1 Trial of Patients With Pancreatic Cancer

April 7, 2024



Observations. And this is a recurrent theme:

1/ It's a phase 1 trial, which is primarily to assess safety and side effects, not efficacy.

2/ It's no cure and again after surgery, supposedly to improve survival rates. With pancreatic cancer this excludes a lot of patients as only a small number are suitable for surgery. It's aggressive, and with most it's already too late and metastatic once diagnosed.

3/ It's ineffective on its own and was used in combination with an immunotherapy drug called atezolizumab and a chemotherapy regimen called mFOLFIRINOX. The irony here is that a common side effect of atezolizumab is... drumroll... pancreatitis!


4/ Even so, the efficacy was at or below 50%.

If only say 20% are suitable for surgery and the efficacy in this group is 50% then the overall contribution to improving pancreatic cancer survival rates is probably less than 10%.

And I'm being generous here, as only around half the patients are suitable for chemo:

"... The main concern regarding adjuvant chemotherapy is that half of the patients never start adjuvant treatment as a result of surgical complications, clinical deterioration, or early recurrence [6, 7]. "


Is it worth the horrible side effects, expense, and loss of QoL to improve your odds a little?

5/ What sort of T cell response? It may have little effect.

6/ Pancreatic cancer involves so many genetic mutations and disrupted cancer pathways that a needle just isn't going to put Humpty back together again:

Genetic Mutations of Pancreatic Cancer and Genetically Engineered Mouse Models


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If TLR2 or 4 recognise the dsRNA you used, then you may accelerate tumor progression:

Immunomodulatory Effects of dsRNA and Its Potential as Vaccine Adjuvant (2010)


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saRNA. This paper from 2015 explains why it doesn't work:

CD8 T-cell priming upon mRNA vaccination is restricted to bone-marrow-derived antigen-presenting cells and may involve antigen transfer from myocytes


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Jun 9Liked by DoorlessCarp🐭

NB paper is from 2015!!

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Jun 16Liked by DoorlessCarp🐭

Cyprinus Carpio - part 2 of a cogent, superb "pseudo" opus which is strong with the force.

"You might call this the “kill shot”... the more you look, the more shocking it is. Many of these papers have been around for decades."

This is why mRNA has beeb foisted upon us, iatrocide with malice aforethought. They always knew Mr. Mulder

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Jun 9Liked by DoorlessCarp🐭

What does the name « DoorlessCarp » mean, please?

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It was an auto-generated name given for beta testing and reporting on Discord. I then joined the McCairn racoon lair channel, and it kind of stuck.

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Jun 1Liked by DoorlessCarp🐭

"dsRNA is a known inducer of immune-inflammatory reactions. "

The timing of your article is amazing. I've been doing write up on a completely different domain - also relating to dsRNA - and the pertinence this article offers is amazing.

I don't suppose you've got a trove of dsRNA related harms papers (any subject, not just SARS-CoV-2) you could toss me, by any chance?

I would ask on Twitter but I've been de facto shadow banned since I uncovered Twitter were responsible for the bots.

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Jun 1·edited Jun 1Author

Make sure you drop a link in the comments or DM me when you have finished your write-up.

Btw I've had to protect my tweets due to bots & shadow bans.

I checked my library and the only ref I didn't cite in Part II was used in the published review:

DDX58 deficiency leads to triple negative breast cancer chemotherapy resistance by inhibiting Type I IFN-mediated signalling apoptosis


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Jun 2Liked by DoorlessCarp🐭

Write-up is here:


You probably already know this, but RNAi has several routes, dsRNA is just one of them. Let me know if you spot any other connections to dsRNA or RNAi in general.

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Thanks! They are like solutions looking desperately for problems to "fix". It's like the wild west out there.

If you express the wrong miRNAs (cough, fizer) then you can induce dicer-free risc silencing, especially with diseases such as ALS:

Extracellular microRNAs in human circulation are associated with miRISC complexes that are accessible to anti-AGO2 antibody and can bind target mimic oligonucleotides


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Jun 1Liked by DoorlessCarp🐭

All of it is so complicated it is truly mind-boggling! I am going to try and read in small bits to see if I can wrap my poor brain around even a fraction of what you have written. The mass deployment of the mRNA injections was so reckless it still leaves me shocked, I remember the pressure to line up for one of these things and the bullying, name calling and shaming for people who resisted the propaganda and hysteria. I have never been so out of step with my family and friends, they all believed the safe and effective narrative and there was no changing their minds. My neighbour still believes it and has just had his covid "booster", poor man is not keeping well at all. Thank you again for sharing your knowledge, it is most impressive.

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Thank you for your support. We aren't even sure if "they" fully understood what they were doing. The gaps in our knowledge say probably not, unless it's hidden in some bio warfare lab files.

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Jun 1Liked by DoorlessCarp🐭

Can't see what the problem is tbh - I'm quite certain that the MHRA will have been well aware of any possible harms caused by the wonderful modified, sorry messenger RNA genetically modified therapies, sorry vaccines., and will have read and understood perfectly well the papers to which you refer.

One must also accept that had it not been for our wonderful genetic engineers, sorry vaccinologists, then the deadly Sars Cov 2 virus would have claimed many millions of lives. This is a fact.

Meanwhile and in the real world (and many apologies if its been mentioned here before) there is this paper from Seneff et al original now well over 2.5 years old-


Looks like their forecasts, based on an excellent understanding of the biomolecular effects of junk proteins, lipid nanos etc. on the immune system are coming to pass.

Can't say I understand a lot of it fully but it was the first proper critiqueof mRNA I read.

Many thanks for your work, how do you find the time!

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Jun 1Liked by DoorlessCarp🐭

I'm on a bus leaving site with crqp reception but the bits I have got you have out done yourself mate.

Thank you and straight onto Albanese and co's Facebook pages ;) f those dogs

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Jun 1Liked by DoorlessCarp🐭

An amazing body of work thank you.

I see Peter McCulloch is actively promoting (on behalf of the Wellness Company), RNA injections for cancer.

At 500k a time that's a lucrative business. Plus the healthcare facility costs. The mark up is huge.

And what a great marketing ploy, better to sell a small number of very expensive items than many with low margin.

Yet another example of wealth extraction.

We pay more to health insurers

They pay more to the pharma complex

Parasite class get even richer

Just say no.

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"I see Peter McCulloch is actively promoting (on behalf of the Wellness Company), RNA injections for cancer."

Don't suppose you have a link on that for me to read?

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Jun 1Liked by DoorlessCarp🐭

The paper is called Strategic Deactivation of mRNA Covid 19 vaccines: New Applications for RIBOTAC's and siRNA Therapy. Posted on twitter 31 May. I accept they are different to what has just been used for Covid but from what we know about Covid and RNA there's an awful lot more investigation required that was not done with Covid.

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A friend described it as pouring oil on a fire. And 3-4 years on, do the siRNAs need designing to target integrated (reverse transcripted) DNA? This can all go very wrong.

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Kindergarten paste, so delicious 😋. Starchy water, cooked into a paste.

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